Lee Family Reunion
A gathering of the Lee family with fun, food, family history and plenty of “brother-LEE-love!”
For all of the descendants of
William O. and Armenia W. Lee
Saturday August 17th, 2019
Beginning at 12:00 PM - 10:00 PM, main activities at 4PM
at Mitchell Hollow Park, 6400 W. 10250 N, Highland, Utah, 84003
Games for kids, a program, and a picture family tree.
Food assignments:
Everyone: BYOM (bring your own meat, for grilling)
Grant Lee descendants - Desserts
Lawrence Lee descendants - Salads
Caroline Lee descendants - Drinks
Harold Lee descendants - Grills, paper goods, and meat condiments
Come learn about your heritage, and meet your cousins.
PLEASE RSVP to your family representative: Lorna Holdaway, Don Lee, Frank Pitcher or Daynia Lewis